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Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance menjamin tanggung jawab hukum terhadap pihak ketiga sehbungan dengan aktivitas pekerjaan atau bisnis, CGL umumnya meliputi Public Liability, Product Liability, Completed Operation, Workmen Compensation, Employers Liabiity, Automobile Liability, Umbrella, Excess of Loss Liability dan lain-lain RISIKO YANG DIJAMIN

A. Limit of Liability
Section 1 : Comprehensive General Liability
§ Bodily Injury USD ................. any one Person              (TBA)
USD ................. any one Occurrence (TBA)
§ Property Damage USD ................. any one Occurrence (TBA)
USD .................... Combined Single Limit both of Property Damage and Bodily Injury and as Agregate for the whole insurance period

Happening in connection with the business and occurring within the Territorial Limits during the period of insurance/Contract.   

Section 2 : Employer’s Liability
Subject to Employer’s Liability will be operated in exxess of JAMSOSTEK or any others compulsory insurance

§ Employee Death
§ USD ................. any one Person (TBA)
§ USD ................. any one Occurrence (TBA)
§ Permanent Disablement
§ USD ................. any one Person (TBA)
§ USD ................. any one Occurrence (TBA)
§ Temporary Disablement
§ USD ................. any one Person (TBA)
§ USD ................. any one Occurrence (TBA)
§ Medical Expense
USD ................. any one Person (TBA)
USD ................. any one Occurrence (TBA)
§ Other Cost & Expenses
USD ................. any one Person (TBA)
USD ................. any one Occurrence (TBA)

USD .................... Combined Single Limit both of Property Damage and Bodily Injury and as Agregate for the whole insurance period

Section 3 : Automobile Third Party Liability
§ Bodily Injury USD ................. any one Person              (TBA)
USD ................. any one Occurrence (TBA)
§ Property Damage USD ................. any one Occurrence (TBA)

USD .................... Combined Single Limit both of Property Damage and Bodily Injury and as Agregate for the whole insurance period

Happening in connection with the business and occurring during the period of insurance at the place described under location of risk for automobile type jeep, minibus and truck under operation.


Section 1 : Comprehensive General Liability
10% of Claim, Min USD 10.000,00 for Property Damage Only

Section 2 : Employer’s Liability

Section 3 : Automobile Third Party Liability
10% of Claim, Min USD 10.000,00 for Property Damage Only

C. Terms and Condition
§ Claim made basis
§ Cross liability of indemnity
§ Food/drink poisoning exclusion clause
§ Excluding liability for loss or damage to property under care custody and control of insured
§ Fire explosion liability clause
§ Indemnity to principal
§ Indonesian jurisdiction and territory clause
§ Loading and unloading clause
§ Principal as additional name of insured : ......................
§ Cyber risk exclusion clause
§ Property damage clarification clause
§ Information technologi hazards clarification clause NMA 2912
§ Cyber risk exclusion clause
§ Extra contractual obligation exclution
§ Thirty (30) days advance written notice to company in the event of cancellation, expiration, or intend changes in the term and condition
§ Warranty premium payment clause (30 days)

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